Trains Plus Network Central Contact Point

Welcome! You are on the right page if you wish to get in contact with any Trains Plus network property. You can identify those with the suffix, “by Trains Plus”.

We’d like to make things efficient and keep everything simple, so there is just one main Contact page for all Trains Plus properties. Your email will be redirected to the appropriate property or properties, or the network team in general, so to assist you better.

If you are a member of the information media, please proceed to our Media page.

» General contact form
» Media contact form

Note: These forms will be made available on 17 April 2023.


For all contact made on or before 16 April 2023

We are currently formalising new data collection and protection rules and will be unable to provide contact forms at this time.

We ask that you instead follow on Twitter the manager of Trains Plus, @DavidFengTrains, and, if you wish to talk one on one, ask him to follow you back to start a conversation via direct messaging. Thank you.